“Boston” George Jung – Behind the Thrills & Infamy – Opt Out

“Boston” George Jung – Behind the Thrills & Infamy

5 years ago · 56:42

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George Jung is famous. He had $100 million at the age of 32, thanks to his success as a drug smuggler. Johnny Depp portrayed him in the 2001 movie “Blow”. His stories could fill 50 podcast episodes. But he’s here, with us, and ready to get behind-the-scenes on his improbable life as an entrepreneur and thrill chaser. He spent 20+ years in prison, but George embodies so many qualities that are core to the entrepreneurial journey. We’ll answer things like: What did Johnny Depp bring George when they first met? What did Bob Dylan say he thought about the movie? What would George have done if he wasn’t a drug smuggler? And what’s George’s recipe for cooking the perfect Thanksgiving turkey?


Our Guest

Name "Boston" George Jung
Website bostongeorgejung.com
Instagram bostongeorgejungofficial

Key Points


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