If you’re here, you are part of the Opt Out movement.
This is where you belong. No matter who you are, you can live the opt out life.
Yes, we preach the benefits of side gigs and extra income sources. Of real estate investing, and prioritizing free time as much as work time.
That’s nice, right?
But what steps can you take to “opt out”? Where do you start?
You need practical, how-to information and examples to apply to your life.
We get it. And we’re here to help. Ready to talk with us directly?
Get on our email list.

Soon, we'll be launching our first course and our TRIBE membership.

Opt Out Life
With our first course, we break down the Opt Out Life into a set of lessons on:
- Making Money
- Expense Hacks
- and Lifestyle Hacks
With 12+ hours of content and 22 sessions, the BLUEPRINT is our private conversation with you about finding and mastering side gigs, starting and growing a business, investing in real estate, getting creative with your expenses, traveling the world on a budget (and with kids), and the common myths that the Opt Out Life busts with our approach to life.
The BLUEPRINT is an extension of the lessons of the Opt Out book. It’s a private conversation with Dana and Nate where we lay out for you how we manage side gigs, multiple businesses, income property, the social pressures of doing things “differently”, and how we still find time to travel and enjoy our lives.
Each session is delivered in audio or audio/slide presentation, with an accompanying introduction video and downloadable PDF guide.

All Opt Out Life offerings come with a 100%, no questions asked, 60-day money-back guarantee.

Opt Out Life
TRIBE membership
The Opt Out Life isn’t just a book and some podcast episodes. It’s a movement.
And our tribe is growing every day.
We are hustlers. We are entrepreneurs. We’re young. We’re old. We’re digital nomads and vagabonds. We’re parents. We are stay-at-home moms. We are college students. We’re business owners. We’re people with careers.
The point is, your “opt out” is unique to you. But you need help along the way.
That’s exactly what you get inside our TRIBE membership.
Our membership is all about ACCESS. Join and you will get direct access to Dana and Nate and the Opt Out movement.
TRIBE members get access to:
- “Go Live” video presentations with successful entrepreneurs (attend and interact!)
- Access to our Content Library of past recordings
- Immediate free enrollment in our courses, including BLUEPRINT ($999 value) and Side Gig Masterclass
- Book 30-minute, 1-on-1 calls with Dana & Nate during our office hours
- A spot in our private TRIBE-only Facebook group
- 30% off tickets and a guaranteed spot at all Opt Out Life events
- Free tickets to local events and parties in San Diego (or your town!)
To learn more about TRIBE and apply for membership, go here: Join Opt Out TRIBE.
**We are currently accepting new member applications through January 31st.**