Christian Chasmer – Work for Yourself & Hustle Deals – Opt Out

Christian Chasmer – Work for Yourself & Hustle Deals

6 years ago · 1:03:18

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Today’s guest is Christian Chasmer. At just 26, he’s the Founder of Elevate Advisors, the Author of a book called “Lose Your Limits: Grow Your Business”, and most importantly, after finding his own success in business and real estate, he now helps others re-find the balance that we call “opt out”. So what’s the story? How does a guy in his mid-20’s know how to help CEO’s tame their companies, work less and keep more profit? Listen along for Christian’s story from college hustler, to real estate developer, to San Diego transplant.


They’re really shown us the ropes while we were working to get them deals through the wholesaling. So it was very mutually beneficial. But also one of the, I would say the most important parts of us being future success was in those learning months and getting those mentors Of course, still our mentors.

This episode of The opt out life podcast from the opt out media network was recorded here in San Diego is the opt out life story of Christian Chasmer.

Welcome to the opt out life podcast. The no BS guide to living the modern good life hosted by subversive millionaires. Dana Robertson and Nate Boston office opt out like podcast explains exactly how creative hustlers are turning sidekicks to real income and taking back control of their time from their studio. in sunny San Diego, the opt out life welcomes guests who are solo printers, entrepreneurs, travelers, and creatives who are proof that you can choose a lifestyle over money but still make money too. If you feel like you’ve been chasing your tail right.

In the rat race or stuck in a system that’s rigged against you, we’d like to offer you an alternative here on the opt out life podcast.

Imagine you’ve done it. You’ve built a business that’s paying your bills. You work for yourself, baby. It’s every entrepreneurs dream to get a company doing over a million bucks a year, but you aren’t rolling in cash and you weren’t hanging out with your family at lunch and you aren’t traveling or doing anything you want. Actually, you think this is definitely not the opt out life? Why is this happening? This is actually a really common dilemma. Today’s guest is Christian Chasmer. When your business becomes the Frank and monster we just described that is eating all of your time and money you’ve called Christian at just 26. He’s the founder of elevate advisors, the author of a book called lose your limits, grow your business and most importantly, after finding his own success in business and real estate. He now helps others refine the balance that we call opt out. So what’s the story

How does a guy in his mid 20s know how to help CEOs team that companies work less and keep more profit. Christian started down this path and college running a painting franchise through an internship. They taught him how to do sales, how to hire and manage a team how to decipher a p&l and more. He was good at it and as soon training others before he finished college. After graduating, Christian moved on to a successful run in real estate doing wholesales, flips and development deals in the Boston area of the company. He co founded cc solutions hit $5 million in revenue in 2017. Not bad for a kid. His main plan of attack was knocking on doors and fringe neighborhoods. We recently caught up with this relatively new San Diego resident to talk about his current role as an advisor to entrepreneurs and also retold some good war stories that I’ll explain to you the gritty details and doing real estate deals as a newbie. Here’s Christian

all right off to a life on a Friday afternoon. Hello Dana. Oh, Nate. Hello.  Hello Christian.

Christian Chasmer is joining us from up the road and we are going to talk about a whole handful of things. Entrepreneurship, real estate is we’ve been lacking on some real estate stuff. So I’m excited to talk to someone who’s owned a real estate company, done some interesting deals. We’ll get into some nitty gritty there. And who’s been on a nice journey at a very young age. How old are you? I’m 26. Oh my god, I didn’t even know he was that young? It’s pretty full. We love learning from people that are younger than I know, I know. We’ve had a whole run of 26 year olds on this show who have accomplished a lot in their young lives. So that’ll be fun to get into what you’ve done in your short time as a professional. But yeah, tell us a little bit about what you’re doing today. here in San Diego. How long have you been here in town? been here for a little under two years? Okay. Cool. So a transplant by way of Boston from school in South Carolina. Right. And tell us why you came to San Diego and then what the current businesses Yeah, came to San Diego mostly, I think like most people on the East Coast for a girl and the weather.

So my girlfriend now fiance was living out here. I’ve known her for most of my life. But when we’re getting serious and deciding, you know, is it going to be Boston is it going to be San Diego. I decided to take the bullet and come out to sunny San Diego. It’s tough call. Good. Yeah, super tough call beautiful San Diego. So yeah,

that’s why I came out here. And what I’m working on now is helping and empowering entrepreneurs to systemized their business so they can get the most out of their life so they can make more profit, gain more freedom and really live their best life. So it’s an intimate consulting arrangement, a partnership in a way, in a way. Yeah, it’s it’s a lot of business advising, business coaching, helping them in their business and really figuring out what they want out of life and then how to turn their business into doing that. So what are some of the common challenges that your clients and partners are facing? Yeah,

so one kind of open example, which is pretty common is you start getting some market validation, you just crossed that

million dollar mark. Things are going really well sales wise, but the we’ll start off the track. So employees start to mess up, customers start to get angry operations starts to kind of fall off, I call it the train running off the track. And so then I’ll come in and help them with that stuff and kind of quell the chaos with them. So once again, they’re not working 80 plus hours a week, they’re not making no money off this idea that they took the leap, which is awesome for entrepreneurs, kind of like what you guys always talk about opting out, they’ve decided to go down this awesome route. And then for whatever reason, they’ve created a frank in business monster who’s taken up all their money and their time. Mm hmm. That’s kind of a function of going from start to a bit of scale, right? Whatever was working, there are different kind of inflection points for most businesses, and sometimes they’re it common, like sizes of revenue or employees. But yeah, I think you’re keying in on the one where it’s like kind of hobbyist side gig sort of thing becomes real business starts to scale and then now you’re like I’m in over my head because they’re just too

What’s going on? There’s too much to keep up with the stuff that works when I was doing a 10 grand a month in revenue working out of my garage is just no longer working. And I would assume a lot of these people, it’s their first go round out there on their own, and they just don’t know what to do. Yeah, we find a common themes amongst the clients. Yeah, it’s a lot of it is processes. So documented processes, they have all of this, they have all the know how in their head, but then they start bringing on employees, the employees don’t know how to do it. And if you tell an employee to do something without showing them and documenting, you’re going to get 10 different ways to do one thing. So that’s one big thing is the lack of documented processes and to leadership in general and creating a rhythm with your team. So I call it the rhythm phase where you need to get the proper meetings, learn how to solve issues in a timely fashion, and doing that in a systematic way every time so you know, leadership and rhythm with your team and then systems and processes seems to be the common thread that I see in most businesses when they get to that point.

Kind of forcing them to grow up a little bit. Yeah, exactly. On the big boy pants. Interesting and pretty young for somebody that’s coming in and helping people essentially. You’re the sage. Yeah. How’d you end up in that position? Yeah, my entrepreneurial journey started when I was back in college, I was actually applying to law school, totally the opt in life, if you will, on that track. And then I came across an internship program that basically said, Hey, make 12 grand over the summer and run your own business and I had 30 bucks to my name. So I said, 12 grand sign, sign me up, I’ll do whatever it takes the business and the internship wound up being you run your own exterior painting business over the summer, all the way from knocking on doors to get leads, selling to those leads, hiring your own painters and then producing all that work. So it was basically like you getting thrown in the fire and learning how to run a business in one summer and I was pretty awful at it. I mean, I was good based on like revenue numbers, but I worked so hard I went through so many

employees, I was a terrible manager. And at the end of the summer, I barely made what I wanted to make. But I was really burnt out. And I took two things away from it. One is I loved entrepreneurship, and I was going to keep doing it too. I needed to change or I wasn’t going to be a good entrepreneur. So then I started really focusing on the two things I saw were problems was me as a leader, I was not a great leader, and then to the actual business processes system, seeing how I can make other people do the same thing over and over and get a really good result. So I kind of deep dive into that did pretty well the next two years and that internship, then use the exact same methodology in my real estate company. And what I then realized was, that’s what I love doing was helping entrepreneurs with that. So then I transitioned over to elevate advisors. Tell me about that program a little bit. I have become a passive fan. I would say those internship programs for a few reasons. Well, for one main reason everyone I’ve met who has done them is accomplished and mature and

As a business person beyond their years compared to anyone else I’ve met, the person who ended up running my company here in San Diego went through that program. He’s incredible operations person manager. So I’m like, anytime I hear about that, I’m like, well, that guy’s up to the top of list. And my book is having gone through that experience as you’ve described it a little bit, but tell me like, how that actually works. Like, what did they give you? Like, I’ve heard of it as like, you get a painting franchise and it’s all up to you. What are they actually give you and then what do you have to do on day one to start? Yeah, so what they give you is one they bring you into specific multi day training. So they’ll actually bring you into the hotel and they’ll train you on first steps is the marketing and the sales so they’ll actually give you professional marketing training on how to hire marketers, how to implement the marketing in your area, how to find your territory, etc. So you have to go find people to do the marketing for you. You know people some people don’t they do all the marketing themselves and then some people say let’s use some leverage here. So for me, I

knocked on doors a few days and said I’m not getting anywhere with this. I need to figure something else out. There were a couple flyers out and then realize sorority girls people love giving them number to sorority girls so I hired three sorority girls to do the door knocking I door knocked with them and we got more leads and anybody else in the country nice

so yeah they teach you the marketing or how to delegate the marketing and then they teach you sales as well and it’s really high you know I’ve gone through Sandler sales training and other sales training programs and it’s right up there so they they really help you with the sales and so scripts, common rebuttals scripts objection handles how to how to go through the entire sales process from lead all the way to closing. What does a close look like everything and then you get assigned a mentor or what they call an exec and he goes out in the field with you. He helps you with these. He gives you feedback, you have weekly meetings with them, he keeps you accountable and yeah, they run you through that process. Then if you do get successful with marketing and sales and you start getting some sales

At the end of the spring, you get thrown into another multi day training, which is the actual production training. So how to manage a team how to actually paint house, all of the production Operations Training, then you go out and run your business. So they do a lot of the training, but they don’t, you know, you can’t really teach having to work 12 hour days and hustling and the shift that happens on a job site or just in any business in general. So the sales is happening in advance of the fulfillment and kind of as I’m big on it in the spring, you’re knocking on doors and then of the some of your like, we’re gonna paint your house does that how that works? Yeah, so you try it makes it realistic for it to go to go that way. Yeah. So you basically you sell all spring and then you produce and sell all summer so you try to book up your most of your summer in the spring. Okay. And what happens on the cash flow side? So like a customer wants to have their house painted, who are they paying? are they paying the parent company and you’re going to get like a rip in the end basically. Yeah. Okay. Great question. Break it down. They they do they pay the parent company and they do.

20% deposit and then they painful and the job’s done. And then the parent company front loads you all the expenses on materials, they pay your painters until, you know, the first couple jobs are done. So they run all your accounting and back office for you. And then you get the p&l and you basically the parent company gets a royalty and you get whatever’s left over so in theory, you could make nothing all summer you’d still get a good experience but you’d make nothing but also on the flip side of that you can make I’ve seen people make like 40 grand in their freshman year college in one summer which is pretty insane

it’s great programming what was yours call because the the one the Krista my buddy was called college works which is a different one has a student painters students painters, mostly Northeast and Midwest right yeah they’re not out here in California but there we should start one this

make all these kids do the work for you would be great and it’s I mean it’s a win win for real I mean, I don’t mean to denigrate it at all. I’ve been saying I think it’s one of the best experiences you can get like to get that much from like, super.

Nuts of like running a business it because we have interns coming in and I like to think that we give them a decent experience I’ve had them do various stuff but it’s still kind of like help us with online marketing that’s it yeah seeing sales I mean that’s the big part of it too knocking on doors dealing with customers and then having to look at a p&l like that’s the ship people don’t get in college yeah yeah full execution you don’t you don’t get paid if you don’t finish right yeah, I came back a different person I was different than all my peers after that so you weren’t going to law school after that? Nope. I was on the entrepreneur track hell or high water cool and so what happened after that did you continue to run that through college so you continue to each year to do that yeah so then my senior year I came back as an exact and I actually trained five other branch managers how to run their own branches so I trained five college students paid a percentage of their sales or a flat yep percentage of their sales to sales to so it was I could once again make no money if I wasn’t a great leaders. So it really pushed me to change as a leader and become a way better leader. That was my first year and it also showed me the systems and process

This is because now I needed to run five other branches, basically. And I needed to show somebody how to do it successfully where I wasn’t there on the job site. So that’s where the process and the systems started to come in was knowing that I needed to delegate. Okay. Dana first break, and I loved having him on. I loved having Christian story because he’s done one of these painting franchise internships, which I’ve heard about, as I mentioned in the interview on a few different occasions, from other entrepreneurs that I’ve met that are people you meet them, they’re young, and they’re wise beyond their years. And it’s, I guess, a very important thing to key in on and an important story to get because we are talking to someone who is just 26 years old, and he’s using some big heady words about, you know, entrepreneurship and processes and systems and he’s coaching people and how to do these things, people that are probably several decades older than him with successful businesses, and they’re paying him to come in and help them so it’s not like he doesn’t have the chops, but we’re figuring out why because

In college, his kind of opt out pivot or path, or a thing that happened to him let him down this way was jumping on an internship that had a nice little tagline make 12 grand over the summer. And he didn’t really know much beyond that when he got into it, but quickly fell in love with entrepreneurship. And what that program does and offers people and tees up for people is pretty incredible. Yeah, actually, one of my first business partners quarry burner did this in college in the 90s. So this kind of program has been around a while. And you know, Corey did work for the man for a little while. But we got in business together in the audio book space boy in the early 2000s, and he’s an incredible entrepreneur and you just wonder how much you’re able to learn when you’re involved with a business when you’re young. It’s easy, I guess. But but all businesses, any side gig gives you the opportunity to learn the systems and processes and what it takes to do business. Yeah, as we were kind of debating this here in the studio we’re talking about, you know, this is a great story for young people, especially those

Who are in college because they still have the opportunity to maybe go out and find this program because it seems to be nationwide, these opportunities to run these painting companies over the summer because it teaches you sales, and it teaches you how to run a p&l, and you have to find your own subs and like to be flipped a run this business and then Christian moved on to become like an executive coach with it. He was helping run five other teams the following summer, it’s great experience. But of course, if you’re 35, like me, or 45 or 55, you know, not much you can do with the hearing about a painting internship program. But you’re right. The same principles apply to running a side gig colleges great time to have these experiences. You can call them side gigs and column internships. You can call them straight, starting a business. That’s why we stress it’s such a great time to try and fail but you can learn all these things at any point in time with a psychic Yeah, and that’s the tried and fail is the operative word, right? If you’re a student, then we know whether you start a business take a job or do a franchise like this. You can try and fail and that’s

A great opportunity to do that. And it’s a little harder to try and fail as you get older. But what a lot of people do is make them stick of starting a business when they really should start at the side gig level. Because even if you’re 35 or 45 or 55, if you’re starting a side gig, the way we pitch people to do a side gig, then you can still try and learn and fail, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and do it again. And you’re going to succeed down the road. Yeah, I mean, one of the most important things that he experienced through this, if you kind of break it down, it’s he had to go knock on people’s doors and try to sell them something could have been anything doesn’t really matter. It’s just the experience of going through that getting rejected, coming up with rebuttals just going through the getting over the nerves of doing that. It’s a great experience for anyone, right? And that can happen with any business side gig internship, what else he had to hire and manage a team. I mean, that’s a huge part of launching and managing anything like the interpersonal issues that come with dealing with other people by definition are very, very difficult and something that you

have to learn to deal with as a as a business owner, or even a side gig, or it’s dealing with people, both as customers and as employees. And then running the numbers, right? He, he didn’t have to go out register and LLC, but he pretty much had to do everything else. He had to deal with collections. He had to deal with managing expenses. And his compensation was ultimately tied to the prophet of whatever he was running. So those are the things that were really highlighting and saying, go out and try and do when you fail or succeed or whatever. It doesn’t really matter. It’s those experiences. Yeah, and he learned a really important skill that a lot of people really don’t like that’s just knocking on doors thing. And it turned out that when he makes a pivot into the real estate business, that knocking on door thing that he learned from that crazy painting franchise turns out to be the linchpin for what makes this real estate venture successful. So a lot of real world exposure to those processes, those systems, all the stuff that you’ve talked about, you know, consulting with business owners on now, but right after school, what happens? You go off on your first entrepreneurial endeavor, right? Yeah, so my first year after school I started

My own division of that same company up in Boston, we did really well. We built it up to a million dollar division in one year. And then after that, I said, All right, I’m gonna go do my own thing. And that’s when me and my business partner, we literally left that job, bought a triplex and started the real estate development company in the same week basically said, Let’s burn the boats and go do this. What drew you to real estate and wanting to do that? Yeah, it was a hyper logical decision. So I do say that in jest, or no, no, it’s totally in serious. I looked, I looked up in the sky, and it looked like real estate. I mean, I came in like a really quick stroke. Like, there was just one day where I was I said, Alex, Hey, man, I know we said, we’re gonna do this for three years. I’m going to leave and start a real estate company right now. And he was he said, All right, let’s do it. I said, screw it. Let’s do it. But before that, I was looking at different industries. And I think it was 71% of millionaire self made millionaires did it in real estate. I saw a quick way to cash which I think is

Really important in starting any businesses you know how what’s the fastest way to get the cash and I knew through wholesaling I didn’t need a huge investment I just needed to hustle. That’s what everyone thinks when they get into the wholesale rate, you’re going to make a million dollars in three months and that’s your life is going to be the best ever. So that’s, that’s what really did. It was very logical. You know, I wanted to learn about real estate because I figured later that’s where my investments are going to go anyway, because I believe in real estate as a passive income model, so we just decided to do it so talking about the wholesaling. That’s describe it for people that have never heard of it before and then talk about your first wholesale deal. Yeah, so wholesaling The easiest way to define wholesaling. wholesaling the way we did it was we looked for houses in pre foreclosure, and then we got that house under contract purchase. So we had a signed contract in our hand and then we sold that contract to a real estate investor, somebody who’s going to actually buy the property turn it around, do whatever they wanted with it for some money five.

To $20,000 was kind of what we’re looking for based on the numbers. So we were basically a broker brokering deals. But our competitive advantage was we were ballsy enough, I guess you can say to door knock in really bad areas on pre foreclosures that most people weren’t touching. And then we also figured out how to get really good deals out of it. Were you a licensed agent or broker at the time? We were not. And how did you find what was your secret sauce? How did you get the deal knocking on doors with sorority girls

girls in this one? Who is I had to rely on my own smile and my my business partners smile for that. Did you get a lot of them from going around like boots on the ground? Yeah, some Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, obviously we didn’t make a million dollars in the first three months like, but we started getting some success rather quickly. within the first six months, we started getting a couple of properties under contract, we started finding investors, which was huge for us, and those investors kind of became that

mentors to. So the more we gave them deals, the more they helped us out and showed us the ropes. So then from wholesaling, we upgraded to a couple flips. And then from a couple flips, we started doing development in the city. Okay, we kind of went up the ladder of how much investment How much money do you need to get into the game where wholesale and you don’t need much, you just need a lot of tenacity, right? And skill. So you mentioned the you quit the painting company, or you put that previous company and you did your first deal, like within the first week. Now, was that first deal wholesale? Or was that when you’re actually acquiring? Okay, yeah, great question. So that was not a wholesale that was normal straight up and I saved up money and bought a triplex so that we could live in one unit and rent out the other to lower our costs because we knew were going into a god we’re going into war into a period where we may not make money so you saved your own money to finance that purchase of the triplex. Yep, good. What kind of financing did you use FHA or Yeah, we used it FHA on it, so you know, two and a half percent down there were 3% down or something like that I can

The exact numbers, but it was, you know, as low as you can get into a house at that time. Okay. Yeah. And you got credit for the income of the other unit, right. So you sort of qualify for more than you might have otherwise qualified for. Because you’ve got rental income from the third unit. Yeah, that’s exactly right. Yeah. So you guys live in one unit together and rent to or did you guys each take your own unit? Yeah, we lived in one unit and then rented the other two. That’s cool, which was awesome. That’s probably the only way we were able to get into the triplex and then we turned our unit basically into our cc solutions operation. So that’s where the whole team came in. We had five desks in the living room, and that was that was a base of operations for the years we are working on it. Very cool. So let’s go so you get your first piece of real estate. It’s both a home and an investment. And now it’s your office and then and then you forge into from there you start the door knocking wholesale business. That’s exactly right. Okay. That’s a really cool story to hear, because it’s similar to ones I’ve seen with the people out here in San Diego, some of which are mutual friends.

Both getting into real estate with wholesaling because it’s a low risk, quote, unquote, way to get into and to see the entire spectrum of a deal, right, you get to get a deal under contract, you get to kind of do some negotiation like you’re getting to see everything without actually having to, like, put up money and take on the risk. So I we do advocate for that a lot. We talked about it in our course doing wholesale. So good experience, but you’re finding the real estate investors, you mentioned that being such a key thing because those are the guys who are doing this at scale that are the ones that you’re learning from, and you’re kind of getting to see the numbers on their deals. And if you have a good relationship, I think you’re probably going to get to see more behind the scenes like construction costs and marketing and eventually margin, right. I assume you guys are starting to get your eyes on that and that made it realistic for you to do too. Yeah, that was probably one of the most important things early on was building great relationships with those few couple of investors and then they they were so open to us, you know, because they saw how hungry we are and how, how much we checked our ego at the door and said, Hey, we know nothing but how

Here, teach us what you know, and we’ll help will try to feed it back to you as any way we can. So we’re having weekly meetings with them, where they’re running us through their properties. They’re running us through their numbers, they’re really shown us the ropes while we were working to get them deals through the wholesaling. So it was very mutually beneficial. But also one of the, I would say the most important parts of us being future success was in those learning months and getting those mentors or still our mentors. And those relationships, I assume, make it more realistic for you to do your first deal because they have connections to hard money lenders and things of that nature. Right. Yeah, they were helping out pointing in that direction. One of our big mentors, Avellino, he also helped us out in terms of our first property like looking at what we can reasonably get on pricing because we got it our first property so he helped us with layout because he knew the area help us with our vendors when we had trade issues he would be like hey grab put this up in here over this etc. So yeah, he he helped us a ton in our first couple flips. And so

told us. Wow. And you were doing this in an area in Boston that you kind of described was like an area A lot of people didn’t want to go to. It was like, I guess there’s a gentrifying more urban area. And that is definitely a key part of it. I think, because, I mean, what years was this? Like? 1415? Yeah, I was 15, 1516.

So, I mean, this wasn’t like 2009 or 10 when, like, I don’t know, the market was tanking, I just feel so crowded everywhere I look for like, buying investment, real estate, doing flips, whatever, like, this is your peak time, but you’re, you’re competing and doing well and finding success in a in a mature market by just being in a fringe area. Totally. And that’s exactly what we call like, that’s what we were in is a fringe area, we weren’t able to get deals the way we wanted to in the city or or probably could at that point because just of our lack of knowledge, so when we got to that fringe area we’re able to play with people is make it work. Do you feel like you knew that area well enough to avoid buying the wrong

mean there’s going to be neighborhoods that just aren’t going to go up? Right? Yeah, so when we were wholesaling eventually now we we knew that by the end we knew about like the back of our hand we knew every single street but in the beginning we knew nothing about any of the areas we’re getting anything we could under contract and then just going to our investors and saying Do you want this or now and some they’d say no that’s an awful area and then that’s how we learned so we we really learned by fire just product got a lot under contract and some worked out some didn’t work out and that’s how we started to learn the ropes. What other ways Did you source deals I know that definitely a percentage of people that listen to us are considering getting into wholesale real estate you’ve described knocking on doors did you do bandit signs emails Pay Per Click Ria events anything like that? Yeah. So we did not do any Pay Per Click because we’re definitely budget budget guys all the way we did obviously we got a lot of success door knocking which because we basically said what’s the marketing that no one is going to do and we already had experienced or not

So we did that school, we dropped flyers as well. We did some bandit signs to some success. I think we got like one or two deals out of that. So that’s, that’s a win. And then eventually we moved up to hiring college students, training them how to cold call agents and source deals for us, which got some success as well. So we basically gave them the script. We taught them how to run numbers, and we let them go to town. Nice. And they knew nothing about real estate and we just taught them it and let them go. What’s the pitch to an agent from someone who wants to get their hands on wholesale? What’s that script kind of look like in a nutshell? Yeah, so at that time, we weren’t wholesaling we were buying the property so we seemed a lot more appealing because there were saying hey we’re real estate investors looking for yeah property we noticed you had this on the MLS, you know, is that a good flip property or do you have any other properties like that but so we just came in with it where with the idea of Hey, we add value to this agent. We’re not you know

We’re not begging we’re not in desperation we add value they add value and we’re just working to build relationships here so we owe even with our college guys you know they sounded like 10 years old 10 years old on the phone we said hey have confidence you add value like agent wants to move these properties and we’re just building relationships here I think the agents care about serious buyers who have their financing a line they can close quick and they’ve had a track record it sounds like you guys could probably tell it pretty good story with that based on the stuff you’ve been doing right that’s mostly what agents care about. Yeah if you have one win under your belt you can start talking agents and even with no wins as long as you’re open and honest you can be like hey I’m getting into this business but what you’re going to go through a lot of agents for you find a couple of people that may take you under your wing to like our investors couple of our mentors we didn’t have any wins any deals yet they just felt the hunger and they took us under their wing and we wound up shipping them you know, 10 plus properties so it was a win for them. Can we get a couple of examples of some wins let’s start with a wholesale just so that the listener

Here’s the sort of narrative. Yeah, one example was pretty typical. We knocked on a door, somebody came, answered the door, we said, Hey, we were just looking at the county records, we noticed the properties in pre foreclosure where investors, we were just wondering if you’re willing to sell it, or, you know, if we want to talk about how to get out of the pre foreclosure. And the biggest thing that we always did at the door was we had a huge packet that we created in source that added value to the homeowners, we weren’t just there, you know, being like, Hey, we want to buy your house or like, hey, if you want to sell will buy a house if you want to do bankruptcy, or if you want to do this, here’s information for you to do that. So, you know, we always said will knock on 100 doors, and 90 of those people don’t want to sell we give you the packet and we can help you in any way we know a bunch of nonprofits in the area that can help you out with your legal documents will push you that way and give you that resource. But out of those 10 people that do want to sell we have a lot of connections with investors in the area and we can get you out of this pre foreclosure and get you 10 grand in your pocket. So right from the

There we got a lot of good leads from that. Because we were then starting to get traction in the area as like the saviors of people in the area where they’re loving us because we weren’t just trying to buy the house if they really wanted to stay there, we’re giving them resources for it. And then if that resource didn’t work out, like they tried bankruptcy and it didn’t work, then we’re the person they would call in six months Alright, so they someone shows up at the door and their role they got coffee and a cigarette like what do you want? And you give them the pitch and they say yes, I’m interested so I want to finish the success story should Yeah, talk about the numbers and timing. Yeah, so with this, let’s let’s call it David, for example, knocked on the door. His sister actually answered. She said, awesome. I’ll take the packet and then here’s a follow up phone number right we always get the phone number and try to set up a call back time if you can. Next day we call David he actually answers which is great because you go through a lot of people don’t answer of course. And what we do at that point is we say hey, David, we understand the difference.

We just want to come by look at the property and see if there’s something we can do for you. Because he was interested in selling at that time. So then we come by run all of our numbers, which at that point in our time, we didn’t really know how to run numbers very well. So we actually had a connection to a trades guy, a general contractor that I came with us helped us run what that construction budget would look like we got those numbers then we analyzed on our deal analyzer that we created with help of a mentor what that deal would look like plug all the numbers into our deal analyzer figured out that it was actually a really awesome deal. Went back to David offered him what we thought the bank would accept, because remember, we’re not strictly working with David in a pre foreclosure we actually have to get with the bank accepts. So we worked out a number and with us to what we did at that time was we got an authorization to talk to the bank from David’s and then we can negotiate directly with the bank. So specifically with the property I’m thinking of that

negotiation lasted about two and a half months is a little longer summer super long summer super quick it depends on the bank but that one was about two and a half months and they were hardball and us hardball in us and then I guess after two and a half months they’re like man it was on the market they tried selling it through online and stuff and nothing was going because they were trying to sell it at retail price they finally said okay if you can get to this number will get it done so what’s retail prices 120,000 and you’re in there offering 100 is that kind of where we’re at or what’s the yeah curious on the difference between the two that can be faked numbers are real I don’t care yeah gosh it they were basically looking at the ARV of it. Like what it actually sold for and putting it on the market for that and we’re giving them what the numbers look like for an investor to make a profit and put 100 grand into the rehab, 100 grand and the rehab. Okay, this one was pretty exciting. So you know, this one they were trying to sell it for like 350 and we offered them 120 No shit will we will

Whatever the number of says on our deal analyzer, we don’t, we don’t mind insulting people, if they get insulted, they get insulted. But that’s the numbers were looking at. Sometimes they’re closer than that sometimes they’re more far off. But that was around the spread that we had. So then they came back at like two at we said 120 still. Then they came back at 250. We said 120 still. And then they came back like 200. And then we moved up to about 140. And I think we settled out like 150, which still gave the investor that we had lined up a pretty good spread on the deal. And you’re staying in this deal until you get the deal done before your investor is going to pay you your wholesale. That’s exactly right. So there’s a lot of work. Yeah, it’s a good amount of work for this. I mean, this one also, we had, I think we had an $18,000 payout for it. So you know, there’s no amount of work but it was still pretty worth it at the end. But yeah, with pre foreclosures, we worked hard to get these deals. The non pre foreclosures when we started to go through agents got a little easier. But with these pre foreclosures in the beginning, it was definitely harder but the spreads were

Also way higher, right? So you’re getting 18 grand investors got a potential probably for six figures in a deal like that. Yeah. Yeah. One time we turned over a deal. We we made 10 grand. The investor made 120 grand in three months. That’s when we said we need to start flipping houses. Yeah,

I love it. Thank you for the great story about a flip. Got to get a good flip story that you can share some numbers on timing and numbers I think are good for people to start learning. Yeah, what this real estate game takes? Yeah, yeah. Tell a story about our first one. Yeah, it’s the first one Okay, we got this one. This was our first property that we instead of wholesale we decided to flip and it was a single family in the fringe area and we It was a fire damaged squatter house so the people is fire damaged and condemned and the people are still there, unbeknownst to me and my partner we just roll up one day door knocking like usual knock on the door they answer we start talking to them and they’re like, yeah, we

One out of here. And but no one’s going to do anything with this elsewhere. Just staying like will give you 10 grand if it all works out now like, okay like let’s do it. So we start calling the bank we start getting deeper and deeper into this like realizing how much of a problem house this has been for the bank for years which is always a good sign too because then someone’s fed up on that line. That one was really interesting. We actually tried wholesaling it and at the last minute our investor who was the first time investor that we were working with, basically tried changing the language in the contract and tried not giving us the wholesale fee until the end of the project. And then his lawyer was saying that they’re actually may not do the project and we had closing in like three days. So it was pretty high intensity right now because we were also at the line where we are committed to the deal. And me and my partner like, Well, why don’t we just change the script and buy it ourselves? Let’s find the money. We have three days we can probably come up with it. Let’s figure it out. And we we’ve figured it out. We scrambled to find some minutes

investors, we found one invested, I was willing to become a profit percentage. So he was a partner on the deal, not just like a second note, and we close the deal. We wound up making it work and buying the property or like, awesome. Well, we’re totally unprepared for this. Because this was a random purchase. Now we got to put a contract together contractors and get going fast. And it’s a firehouse. So we need to get like permitting that says we’re allowed to do work on it.

So we bought it for 90,000, and the ARV that we originally estimated, was for 330 thousand so we had a pretty good spread on here to make things work. We originally thought that we’re going to be putting another 90 into the house because it was it was a fire I mean, it was completely destroyed the inside of the house we had to basically do everything over so we also thought that that was going to take three months that was wrong as well. Did it take twice as much twice as much time and twice as much money because that’s that’s what a lot of people say, right? Yeah, twice as long did it take twice as much money which is good.

You know, I basically was the GC on that project. So I was there a lot of the days most days, hired all the subs myself, hired the GC myself. And while I was like not enjoying that at the time, it was a great lesson because I got to see every single part of the flipped process all the way from emptying the house all the way through the finishing touches. So I got to see how the house is built, basically which was awesome yeah, so in wasn’t three months it took us six months to sell it and everything which is not it’s not bad. Awful. No, no, I was also cracking the whip of my guys really hard with it. I’ve had experience because I ran painting crews in the past so I knew how to run subs or at least and it wasn’t 90,000 it was $150,000 rehab costs so we did go way over on that just because of ignorance and inexperience and you know mistakes along the way to doubling up on things, doing things twice because we didn’t know we’re doing the first time so luckily we had budget because we got it at such a good time.

deal which is what’s awesome about pre foreclosures and door knocking is you get really good deals so you can make mistakes and not hurt yourself. So all in all, yeah, we we bought it for 90 put 150 and we actually wound up selling it for 360. So above our original ARV, the market was just kind of climate up as we are doing it so it wasn’t too too awful. And we wound up going over the top with some of our finishes to try to move that needle up a little bit more. We wound up walking away with $54,500 in profit, which we are stoked on. That was a big win for us. Especially with all the heartaches going over budget, our first project dropping off, you know, the GS we went through a lot of subs on that project because you’re still figuring out which subs are good and which ones aren’t. So yeah, that was that was our first project lot of headaches a lot a lot of late nights thinking about that one but it was wound up being an awesome awesome property we sold to event which was great overall a good experience. Wow, that’s so that’s a good first deal where you get a lot of action.

experience but in the end you’re still also profitable

first deal I lost five grand but I learned a lot but no yes did pretty well yeah we were profitable and I mean now you know house number two and four we weren’t profitable but you got to take those lumps i right in the in the game and you got to be able to not put all your eggs in one basket hope that that one is has to be profitable you’re going bankrupt I think that’s really important and I think there’s a really cool story about him buying a three Plex and moving in because it’s something I’ve been talking about it’s one of those ways to do real estate in a way that people maybe aren’t quite catching on to if you buy a property that’s a duplex triplex a four Plex two three or four you get the same financing you would get if you buy a house or a condo that means you can get in with like three and a half percent and as a lot of government programs you can even get government rehab programs as long as you’re going to live in one of those units and so it’s a it’s a really cool opt out strategy to

get other people paying the mortgage for the place where you’re going to live. And to get into real estate without having to come up with a bunch of cash. Yeah, I love that he put that into play kind of fits in the opt out away. And no surprise, he had the audacity to kind of go out and find one of those deals and make it work. And one of the important points I think we should reiterate on that is the, the people paying down your mortgage, you’re also able to use that in the calculations for calculating the financing rights, you’re able to say, I’m gonna be able to rent these units out or they’ve been being rented out and or both, you’re able to credit that towards the monthly coverage you’re going to have on the mortgage itself. Yeah, yeah, I tell the story of one of my friends who bought a duplex and a pretty fancy neighborhood and rent from the second unit of the duplex is 2000 a month. So she gets credit for that $2,000 a month as if she makes that so a lot of people might say, well, how can I afford a $4,000 month mortgage? Well, the bank credit you with that as if you’re making that extra money and that qualifies you to get that loan. These are the details that we usually don’t have on the podcast we don’t get to talk about

Real Estate real estate deals as much as I would probably like to. Hopefully we’re going to have some more guests that have done it. But this is a really cool run of the interview where he’s given us some explicit details and numbers on how he’s done wholesale deals, how he’s found them. So even beyond just doing his own three Plex for himself and his partner. I love getting into this stuff because you know, it’s usually reserved for our Facebook group and our blueprint course and things like that. But a real estate such a big component of the opt out live I was excited to get some of these numbers I’ve got some of them written down here like he talked about the deal is first flip he ended up doing so they started doing wholesales, which we also advocate for as being a great way to do your first couple real estate deals. So you get to touch every point in the process. You get to kind of learn from the investors that you’re wholesaling to like what parts of what areas are good what to watch out for, you just you get eyes on things, but you’re not putting much at risk but they eventually end up doing a flip which they had set up as a wholesale deal and as most things with real estate goes down to the wire and it goes a wire three days before close the investor.

x out and they say, You know what? Why don’t we try to do this, which is pretty cool. This they’ve got 72 hours to pull together the financing. And a lot of people that talk to me about real estate get kind of hung up on, you know, how do I get investors? How would I pull off financing? We’ve hinted at one way to take care of it on a three Plex. But but they hustle, they work out a deal with an investor to cut them in on the profits of the deal. They close, it takes twice as long almost costs twice as much as they expect. But they had a lot of room and they end up with, I think, like $54,300 in profits at the end of the day. So I mean, that’s six months of work. And this is a real gig on site every day, but still a cool number at the end and a cool story that he walked us through. Yeah, and not to oversell our product. But we’ve got actual detailed courses on this in the blueprint. And you and I talked through it, and we brought in Alex because Alex has got experience in both flips and in wholesale deals so that we get into the mechanics of those in the course for those that are interested, check out the blueprint. Yeah, check that out. And that’s Alex Martinez.

Who’s podcast? Guest number six. If you’re looking for another episode that you haven’t hit yet on real estate, and if nothing else meet up with us on the Facebook group and we can we can chat real estate last year cc solutions we did $6 million in revenue. We were working on 20 units at one time. They still have I’m pretty sure they’re working on like 15 units right now. Yeah, so we had about 10 on our staff. We had subs, we had 10 plus subs in general contractors, etc. So yeah, we we scaled it pretty well to we’re starting to get a and still are getting a pretty great name in Boston as you know, fair ethical developers and people knew us so we were hitting up all the Rei is hitting up all the meetings, getting to know everybody, we’re we’re moving we’re trying to scale the thing that’s that was our goal the whole time is to build a big business and you know, impact the community. So you did it pretty quickly. Yeah. up this aggressive Yeah, very impressive. And you’re managing to do this from San Diego still.

So about a year and a half into it, I was able to move out to San Diego and the day to day was covered by my partner and my team out there. Yeah. Cool. So that’s where the systems and processes come into play where I was hyper focused on building processes, building systems and building leaders to take on those those roles and the day to day and then I moved out to San Diego and explained to me we met up for coffee and we kind of talked a little bit about this but your current involvement in the business and did you kind of take a buyout or where does it stand? Yeah, so once I got out to San Diego, I started to get deeper into an entrepreneurial community that I really never had in Boston I started to think more right about passion and what what do I really want to go big on and for me, I realized that it It wasn’t necessarily real estate development although real estate as an investment I would want to continue to do for my life I still on my triplex in Boston for example, but what I really love doing and what I wanted to do all day and what I would do if I know I’d say

At it that’s how important I think it is, is helping entrepreneurs and helping people live their best life with entrepreneurs that’s using processes and systems to help their business fit their lifestyle and with people it’s helping them discover what path that is for them and then helping them get there so after a lot of thinking and a lot of talking over with my my team I sold my equity to the real estate development company to my partners so they took it over and now I started elevate which is doing exactly that it’s helping entrepreneurs left the rest life and helping people live their best life cool so bit of a bit of an entrepreneurial pivot yeah and opt out and

you opted out and when you bailed on law school for sure took that entrepreneurial path that’s always that’s that’s sort of one of those burning the boats moments and did it again when you went into real estate and then you just did it again with real estate. Yeah, it’s pretty crazy.

You’re like, that’s life’s. As long as you continue to reflect and you’re being authentic to your path, you’re going to have those inflection points in your life. And in those decisions for me, I could have just jumped back on the boat in terms of cc solutions and work to build it up for the next two to three years. But for me, if I felt way more pull to help entrepreneurs and help people live the best life and that felt right, and it still feels right. And it it’s probably the best decision I’ve made cool. And so at this point is that business like a one man consultancy? You’re you’re kind of a business and in a sense of life coach for people, you’re coming into their business to help them figure out how to get the most for themselves out of it. Yeah, so we got a small team around us right now. So I got a junior coach that helps with the coaching and marketer, executive assistant. So small team right now the plan is to scale this up to help as many entrepreneurs as possible. You meet some people in San Diego that kind of helped refine this. I know you’ve talked about reflecting as you can.

out here during that time and getting plugged into an entrepreneur community, and were there any key individuals that kind of pushed you down this idea of, Oh, I want to be consulted to coach all the things that you’ve described. Yeah. So I think becoming out to San Diego was a big factor in in that, you know, getting around different entrepreneurs getting around entrepreneurs for really the first time in South Carolina. I had my student painter community, but in have anything else. But that Boston I didn’t have that out here is a lot of different entrepreneurs. I remember one conversation and I’m still really close friends with him Chandler Parag. We were talking and I was telling him about my real estate development business, and I was like, I want to build it, and I want to build a big business here. And he’s like, but why I was like, well, because I want to build a big business with that lifestyle. And he’s like, Yeah, dude, but what impact do you make in the world? Like, is that lighting you up every day? I was like, Well, no, but he’s like, dude, you got to think bigger, man. You got to think bigger. And I was pissed at him at first. Actually, I remember sitting there I was like, the second time I remember.

With this guy and I was like, dude, you don’t know me, he likes you. And then afterwards I really thought about it and he poked me in the the perfect way really helped. Interesting. Yeah no one ever asked me that when I was in Missouri but I get asked in Sandy something that’s something in the water, the water the land of fruits in that all just a little Diego thing to ask somebody right there but not a bad thing to ask at all at all. We talked about mentoring and helping young entrepreneurs to I mean, you’re not far removed from young to be honest. But I you know, I, when I was 26, I kind of I was saying the same thing and getting interns and being around the programs at the universities and getting a lot out of that just personally, just because it’s nice to be around young hungry, hustling people and pass along what knowledge I’d had in my short career at that time. And I know that’s something that’s big for you too. And it’s also something that you would do even if you had no business focused on that right. Like that’s just kind of what lights you up Yeah.

Lately, I’ve feel like throughout my life, I’ve always wanted to help the people a couple steps behind me. Like even when I was a wrestler in high school and college, a senior in high school, I was staying after to train with the freshmen when all the other seniors are hazing. The freshman I just liked taken hungry people that wanted to learn and then giving them what little things I have. You know, I still would say I’m very much on the path in the beginning of the path. But what I can learn, I always felt an obligation to give back so yeah, trying to get plugged in with the entrepreneurial like college community, high school education, high school entrepreneurs that stuff lights me up I want to do that all the time we’re actually me and my old partner on cc were starting a we’re calling it elevate next and it’s going to be a free group coaching program for young college aspiring change makers. So yeah, that that gets me going. Is there any more thing more you want to say about that since the new things going to be coming out? Yeah, anybody who’s looking to get on the path to either entrepreneurship or making a big change and really

wants to grow and learn, I’ll give you guys the application page and they can reach out. We’re taking 10 people, putting them in a 12 week program and we’re going to be going over really tactical, strategic business and personal development knowledge and then implementing it using goal setting, etc. And it’s going to be for young, aspiring change makers. When you talk about some of this stuff. You know, I’m an entrepreneur I guess and sometimes I just don’t want to hear this shit, right?

Basically, like you could come in and you can sell stuff I’m like, yeah, that is smart. I need processes you know, I need to I need to take a step back and be smart about this or and you know the some of the stresses and failures or lack of progress I’m experiencing are because of what you’re saying probably but I’m just not in the mood.

I think that’s a lot entrepreneurs at least at certain points during the day and they do they need to be I guess beyond that they have to be ready for you to come in and listen and have you help right.

Totally. Yeah. So I’d say the biggest, the biggest bottleneck I’m experiencing right now is I’m selling vitamins, right? Like, this is the thing that everyone definitely needs. But no one wants to hear it. It’s not sexy, like the marketing and the sales, in my opinion, once you get to a certain point, it is the most important thing you can focus on in order to scale a business. But yeah,

in the day to day you just don’t want to do this stuff, though. And I find that you know, my my clients still right in the beginning, they’re like, Yeah, but I tried that in the past or Yeah, but I don’t know, my team is different. And then fast forward three months, and they’re just had the best quarter they ever had their teams rock and roll and they’re like, oh, man, how to. How do I do it without this? Like, this is the best thing ever. But it’s Yeah,

if you don’t like it sucks. It’s like going to the gym. You don’t want to do it sometimes, but something you got to do. Dana, as we’re winding up here with Christian I guess I mentioned something where I’m like, you know this the stuff that you help business owners with? I think it’s important.

I understand it, but putting myself in the shoes of that business owner, that entrepreneur, I feel like most of time they don’t want to hear it, you know, and he admits to it. He’s like, yeah, it’s kind of sucks because I’m like selling vitamins, right? Like Peter, they’re not going to listen until they’re ready to listen. And it’s kind of part of a bigger idea or conversation where it’s we’re saying that all businesses are still businesses, all side gigs are still side gigs and all together, they’re all still work. And as I think through, you know, when you start a business or psychic, it can be a lot of fun because it’s new and it’s exciting. And everything about it is new and exciting. And even if you know it’s a growing and successful businesses, the ones that he’s kind of working with, after a couple years, your eyes kind of glazed over, maybe, or you don’t understand what to do with the business at the new juncture that it’s reached. And it’s hard to have the self awareness to be willing to listen to someone like Christian or be able just to read an article that could be helpful for you at those points. You know, a lot of times it’s just like

Don’t want to hear that shit. I figured this out enough. It’s working. And it takes years like Adam from knock around was telling us like it was just kind of a period of time there with the business stop growing. And it took him a while even realize why and to do anything about it. Yeah, it’s not that it’s more work. It’s not the we really are saying you got to work really hard. You got to burn the candle at both ends. When you say it’s hard work in the context of what Christians teaching us. It’s the the same as saying it’s hard work to go to the gym. It’s hard work to eat healthy, it’s hard to come around to what you really need to do consistently the habits, the small things that matter and businesses get stuck in those ruts and they don’t realize it until sometimes it’s too late. Sometimes they don’t realize until they lost money and then the alarm bells go off and they go Geez, not only am I burned out, but I’m working too hard because the world changes and people change too. It’s like the habits of two years ago may not be the habits that carry you forward to success in 2018.

Or beyond. So I think that’s kind of where it’s, it makes sense a little bit for me. Maybe they’re still going to the gym, but they’re just doing the same workout they did two years ago. Yeah, I changed it up a little bit, right they need a trainer to show them the new school. Yeah. And for those that are running businesses that are plateauing whether that business plateaus it you know hundred thousand year 400,000 year whatever that revenue plateau is it’s encouraging to hear from people like Christian that these turnarounds that you know they’re not that hard. It comes down to processes discipline, and it’s repeatable. I mean he’s out there repeating it over and over with people in different industries and different points in life and life and their business so yeah, very interesting to hear from a guy who’s very Sage for his age it’s cool to have him on have another 26 year old in our mix was kind of weird I think we’ve had like three or four but yeah, good to get the the real estate tips and also hopefully give some philosophical pause to any of you out there who are business owners who may be at a point where this could be helpful and your guy has figured

Sales scripts you your process driven. I mean, I think eventually, you’re going to arrive at a few good rebuttals, and you probably already have a few now to drive home the point to a disinterested entrepreneur who does need your services. Right? I mean, I think there’s probably a few ways to win them over. Yeah, yeah,

absolutely. And, you know, for me, like you said, a lot of times have to come to the conclusion themselves that they need something like this. And usually that comes around that validation point, I would say after half a million upwards to 1.5 million when that stuff starts to fall off the track then they’re open to listen yeah be like why did you start this in the first place to make money don’t make more money it could be in a bitch

t ball game. That’s right. Go to practice I’m gonna help you Yeah. Okay. So most of our listeners know that the opt out life comes from something that makes money I mean it’s not called dropout rate it’s called opt out so we you know, we do side gigs is sort of one of the main pillars if you want to scale that into a business that

business and we separate those pretty intentionally because we think if you treat a side gig as a business, you’ll it’ll fail. But the between side gigs and businesses, our listeners are in your sweet spot. What piece of advice can you give somebody whether they’re at the beginning of their business cycle? Or maybe at the point where the wheels might be starting to come off? is there is there some piece of advice that you can leave people with? Um,

yeah, when you’re, when you’re in that transition period, start getting real serious about the foundational systems and processes of your business. In terms of meeting rhythms with your team. I noticed that a lot of times in that stage. People are very hesitant to put structure in a business because then they have to admit that it’s a business they don’t want to have weekly meetings with their team. They don’t want to go and do issue processing. They don’t want to have weekly planning sessions or quarterly planning sessions but something as simple as a daily huddle with your team measuring some KPIs whether you remember

Five or 20, I would start small first and then having some type of weekly leadership meeting, just implementing that I’ve seen completely changed businesses. You know, for, for example, I worked with a sub six figure company who he was a close buddy of mine. So I said, Hey, I’ll just come in and help you out. We implemented those small things. And he’s almost doubled his business sense. And it’s trending very well because his team is starting to take it more seriously. And I think he’s starting to take it more seriously. So when you’re when you’re ready to start going, start going and start putting in even the foundational systems. It’s funny because a recent episode with Adam where you’re from knock around and he said this business for 13 years, you know, college when it started, and eventually he got out of college society had to take it seriously founding investor that had some really good growth years. And then there is a period that he described that was like phase three where he was just like, kind of leveling off and he was like, I don’t took him a while and he was like, I mean, it takes a while to recognize it when you’ve had success and then after maybe a year

To he’s like well what’s going on here? Yeah the revenue told him something was wrong right and right go down and he figures out that they have just a poor organizational structure basically in the way they describe the story he’s got you know too many people report to him You can only give them attention a certain amount of time per week and when they’re not getting that attention they’re not performing is developer the a good example as you talk to your developer on Monday you signed some stuff it gets done by Tuesday you don’t talk to him again until the following Monday you’re just basically wasting resources not moving anywhere treading water when he describes things kind of exactly what you’re describing in a real world examples and after turning that around, which was about a matter of processes and fixing the org chart firing people Yeah, yeah, we assigned responsibilities and turned it around completely having check ins I mean, so much of this is just straight down to communication. Yeah, only accountability charts just want to be clear indicator. Sure. Sure. So yeah, if you haven’t listened to that Adam episode, you can get a real world example from from an entrepreneur who’s taking a business from nothing to almost 10.

million dollars over 10 years I’m exactly what what he’s talking about here you like to travel I do like to travel tell us tell us so I don’t know what what do you have a favorite place you’ve been or someplace your head or what’s on the agenda yeah what’s on the agenda wall I have a wedding coming up so that’s on the agenda is it your wedding my way yes yes I was coming up on our honeymoon is going to be in St Lucia was supposed to be really nice I’ve never been yeah so that’s that’s the big thing on the agenda number one thing on the wait is that now February okay so for four months away lesson for less than five St Lucia small Caribbean island down south right yeah Southern part hanging out the resort it’s a beach time yeah so we picked it because we wanted the resort like honeymoon thing but I also really like activities so if I’m just on a resort all week I get really cooped up don’t like that. So what St. Lucia has is a lot of excursions in their forest and they have a lot of greenery that you can go hiking in and stuff like that. So

Those kind of the best of both worlds. And that’s why we picked it. Nice. Nice. Well, the relationships often could be off to a good stuff. Yeah, they’re already striking balance and having happiness and say it’s good. Love it. Cool. How do you got to fly to St. Louis? You gotta go through like Houston or you can fly to TJ to cut through Mexico City or what? You’re flying to Miami, Miami to St. Lucia. So it’s bit of a hike to get there. Right. Yeah. So why San Diego go to Maui Yes. Yeah, this is a big trip. You go to St. Lucia. Yeah. Anytime we figured we’re going to go to Hawaii pretty often. So we figured we do something that we probably wouldn’t do very often. Cool. Well, good luck with it. Man. Thanks for walking us through those real estate deals in particular, and congrats on all the success at your young age. We are happy to have you as a San Diego citizen. Yeah, look forward to you interacting with some of our audience as well. Welcome to the afterlife. Absolutely. I’m happy to be a part of it and let me know how I can add value this is awesome. I think what you guys get going on is really cool you know you to evaluate Facebook group Facebook.

Right. Yeah, interface, but I’ve interviewed everyone out there listening. Hop in the Facebook group. That’s right. We know you don’t like Facebook, but it’s a great forum for interacting with people of all levels and the opt out life. Right. Get in there. ask us a question. ask our guests question. they’ll provide answers for trying to grow that a bit. So we’ll see you inside little Facebook. Thanks, man. Yeah,

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Our Guest

Name Christian Chasmer
Instagram christian_chasmer

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